Discover the world's first entertainment video for people with moderate to later stage Alzheimer's or dementia

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Entertainment for people with dementia
Dementia entertainment DVD Alzheimer's enjoyment

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What people say about Recognii

Oh my gosh I love your DVD! I've played it to two clients with very different dementia and it was a hit both times! With the first we used it as discussion point and he was on the edge of his seat for the next clip!

Mary Merheim, founder of Dementia Doulas

“An excellent aid. Contents are engaging and fun. Colours are excellent and the DVD covered many topics. We used it again and again”

Jane Baker, Carer to husband Kenneth, 83

“My mum loved this video. She found it engaging and funny and kept laughing. She sang along to all the songs, and knew the words, it was colourful and each bit was not too long and held her attention. We will play it again and again to her. It's a real success - thank you.”

Fiona Wade, Howarth

Mum loves this DVD and even waived her hands along with the music which was lovely to see. It is very colourful and charming.

Diane A

Recognii DVD: I bought this for my husband to try and occupy him as he has started trying to get up and follow me around the house and getting anxious when I leave him. It definitely keeps his attention much more than normal television which is too complicated for him now. He especially likes the fireworks and red arrows and also likes the children. I like that it is all short clips as his attention span is very short. At the beginning he wanted me to watch it with him but now hes familiar with it he is happy to watch it on his own. It is a bit expensive but I would recommend.

Jacqueline S

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See Recognii on Channel 4's Steph's Packed Lunch

Mum really enjoyed the little toddler with the curls, who grabbed the hand puppet to give it a kiss and cuddle!
She loved the two little girls dancing and was amused by the chicks stepping out to music! She Liked ALL the young animals because they're so cute, end enjoyed the time lapse films of flowers especially. She also like the two grown ups in bear/panda costumes, especially when speeded up and chasing each other, The singing was just right, and good for her to try and recognise the photos of past celebs, too, especially as you gave her the answers when she couldn't remember their names! This is such a joy. I can tell how much time and effort has gone into making this!

Carol Burrows, Merseyside

"Grandma absolutely LOVES this wonderful DVD from Recognii, she asks to watch it again and again."

Orla Phipps, Dementia advocate

“This is just lovely. The DVD is
the sort of thing that can be watched over and over by people with significant dementia. In the same way that small children like replaying their
favourites, these images with music become very soothing with familiarity. Even
those with significant dementia can find repeated routines comforting. Well done!!

Dr Lucy Pollock, Geriatrician and author of 'The Book about Getting Older'

It was a joy to see my wife smile when she watched this. She laughed and sang along to the songs. She enjoyed it much more than normal TV. I would highly recommend it.  

Dave Rowntree, (carer to wife Pat, 82)

My dad loved the music, tapped his feet and whistled to all the songs. Particular favourites were the babies, dogs and the scenery, but he enjoyed it all. It was great to see him so involved in something. I would definitely recommend this

Gillian Neil, (carer to father, Geoff, 83)

We loved the poetry and the songs, but the film was full of surprises, you never knew what was coming next and it held our attention all the way through. The puppets were hilarious and everything was just the right length.

Jacqui Ashmore (carer to mother, Brenda 85)

My mum so enjoyed this. She's in her own little world most of the time and she really reacted and chatted when she saw the children and animals. It brought her back, thank you."

Sue Reynolds, Devon

We’ve trialled copies of the DVDs and use them often - they are really popular, stimulate conversation (and singing) and are full of curiosities and quirky snippets.

George Coxon, Owner/ Director of Pottles Court and Summercourt Care Homes, Devon
memory, dementia, entertainment, fun, leisure, therapy, multisensory, DVD, film, TV

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PLUS 30 minutes of FREE bonus features

dementia, singalong, music, karaoke, alzheimer's,

Karaoke Singalong (13 songs)

The therapeutic benefits of music to people with Alzheimer's and dementia are well documented, with singing shown to improve mood, cardiovascular health and even cognitive function. Research has found that musical memory is stored in the part of the brain most resilient to the damaging effects of dementia, which is why songs learnt in adolescence and early adulthood can often be recalled and enjoyed long after other memories have faded.  

Our interactive singalong brings all the songs from the video together in a special feature ideal for group singsongs or private karaoke sessions! Easy to read lyrics provide visual prompts while simple arrangements and friendly vocals encourage viewer participation. The 20 minute session mixes classics like We’ll Meet Again and Que Sera Sera with 60s pop hits and traditional favourites such as Oh I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside.

dementia calming, soothing, therapeutic, memories

Soothe Booth

Agitation, restlessness and anxiety can be common symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia, especially in the later stages. Research suggests that multisensory stimulation therapy may be helpful in promoting a state of relaxation among sufferers, leading to a reduction in agitated behaviours and the need for pharmacological intervention. This may be particularly helpful for individuals experiencing signs of sundowning or who are unsettled during changes to their routine or environment. 

Our multisensory booth contains soothing and evocative sights and sounds taken from the natural world and British heritage. As well as promoting mental well-being the booth can be a useful prompt for reminiscence and conversation. Soundscapes include soft waves on a beach, summer birdsong, crunching autumn leaves, a steam train chugging gently along a track and more. 

DVDs of happy children for dementia

Children and Animal Favourites

Our own research confirms that as the condition progresses many people with dementia take increasing joy and comfort from smiling children and adorable animals, and this isn’t that surprising. Studies have shown that even watching videos of baby animals can have an instant stress-relieving effect, while smiling has a contagious positive impact on emotional well-being.This segment is a specially edited collection of all the children and animals from the Recognii video, set to uplifting, toe-tapping music.

remembering film stars and movies for dementia

Silver Screen Showreel

Loved ones with memory problems will find it hard to store, then recall recent events, however research shows that memories from childhood, teens and 20s, are often much easier to remember. This is a chance for viewers to 'go to the pictures' and reminisce about stars of yester year to see how many famous faces they can remember. This segment is a series of black and white photographs of the most iconic celebrities of the 1940s, 50s and 60s set to a stirring cinematic soundtrack. The feature can be enjoyed independently or used as a fun conversational tool. The still images slowly fade to reveal the names of Hollywood legends such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Charlie Chaplin and many more.

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  • Recognii USB Treasure Box Volume 1 £23.99
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